「永續活動的 Total Value 價值管理」工作坊

「永續活動的 Total Value 價值管理」工作坊

Value Management in Total Value of Sustainable Events Workshop

大型活動的舉辦會在短時間內消耗大量的能源與資源;但在不斷追求永續的今天,如何用「綠色」思維規劃一場大型活動,甚至做到活動「碳中和」? 藉此緣由,在台灣各產學機構舉辦的「全球企業永續論壇」(Global Corporate Sustainability Forum,GCSF)上,安永聯合會計師事務所將以「永續活動的 Total Value 價值管理」為題,特別邀請安永日本氣候變遷與永續發展服務負責人牛島慶一,分享東京奧運達成碳中和的案例,接著,由外貿協會王熙蒙副祕書長,說明會展中該如何落實綠色會展並影響所有利害相關人在活動採取、落實綠色行動;最後,由安永台灣氣候變遷與永續發展服務負責人曾于哲以專題演講連結兩位貴賓之演講內容,並以跨界對談為工作坊畫下完美句點。

It is widely acknowledged that hosting large-scale events is an energy-intensive behavior. A lot of energy and resources will be consumed in a short period of time. In a “sustainability first” society today, how to organize large-scale events with “green approach”? The Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF) will be held by various domestic and foreign institutions. Ernst & Young (EY Taiwan) invites the EY Japan Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) Leader, Keiichi Ushijima, to share the case of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympics with carbon-neutral. Also, the Executive Vice President of TAITRA, Mr. Wang, will talk about how to hold green exhibition and influence all stakeholders to implement green actions. The Leader of CCaSS of Ernst & Young (EY Taiwan), Roger Tseng, will lead end the workshop by a discussion with two honorable attendees.



Organizers:Ernst & Young (EY Taiwan), Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals

活動時間 20181123 (星期五) 09:00~12:00 (08:30~09:00報到)

Time:November 23, 2018 (Fri.) 09:00~12:00 (08:30~09:00 Registration)

活動地點:台北圓山大飯店 10F 松柏廳 (台北市中山區中山北路四段1)*

Venue:The Grand Hotel, 10F SongBo Room

                 (No.1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City)*

 *免費接駁車:捷運圓山站-圓山大飯店 Free Shuttle Bus:MRT Yaunshan-The Grand Hotel


Registration Fee:Free of charge

報名截止日:20181119 (星期一)  Registration deadlineNovember 19, 2018 (Mon.)

報名聯絡人:嚴小姐  Ms. Yen    Tel: 02-2757-8888  #69905    Margot.Yen@tw.ey.com

  Contact:      陳先生  Mr. Chen  Tel: 02-2757-8888  #66913    Stephen.CF.Chen@tw.ey.com


Event Agenda:(The Organizer reserves the right to amend any part of the Event format, agenda

                             or program if necessary at any time.)

報名連結 Registration linkhttps://www.accupass.com/event/1810260656147415540080


時間 Time 議程 Agenda 主講人 Keynote Speakers
09:00~09:30 報到 Registration
09:30~09:40 開場 Opening Statement
09:40~10:20 主題:國際永續供應鏈-從2020東京奧


TopicInternational Sustainable

Supply Chain: Asia Trend and

 Practice, Learn from the

 Olympic and Paralympic

 Games Tokyo 2020 Carbon-



牛島慶一 氣候變遷與永續發展服務負責人

Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader, EY Japan

Keiichi Ushijima

10:20~11:00 主題:如何影響會展利害相關者 – 以獲


TopicHow to Influence All

             Stakeholders in the

              Exhibition?   Example from    

              Receiving UFI Award


王熙蒙 副秘書長

Executive Vice President, TAITRA

Simon Wang

11:00~11:20 中場休息 Intermission
11:20~12:00 主題:Total Value-用影響估計支持決策


TopicTotal Value – Impact Valuation

              to Support Decision-making


曾于哲 氣候變遷與永續發展服務負責人

Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader, Ernst & Young (EY Taiwan)

Roger Tseng

12:00~12:30 綜合座談




曾于哲 氣候變遷與永續發展服務負責人



Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader, Ernst & Young (EY Taiwan)

Roger Tseng




牛島慶一 氣候變遷與永續發展服務負責人

Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader, EY Japan

Keiichi Ushijima


王熙蒙 副秘書長

Executive Vice President, TAITRA

Simon Wang

12:30~ 總結&賦歸 Closing Remarks and Farewell
